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Zucchini Squash Pickles

1 gallon squash zucchini
6 - 12 large onions
2 green peppers (or 4 if you like)
Cut the zucchini and onions in slices (thin for onions and a little thicker for squash). Shred green pepper. Place in bowl and sprinkle 1/2 cup salt over them. Place in refrigerator. Use a weight to hold down vegetables and leave for 3 hours. Drain and rinse with water and drain again well. Make the following brine:

5 cups mild vinegar
2 tablespoon mustard seed
5 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp. celery seed
1 1/2 tsp. turmeric
1 stick cinnamon

Boil for about 10 minutes and add vegetables, stirring carefully.

Heat to scalding point. DO NOT boil.

Place in jars and seal.

Note: The amount of onions depends on how well you like onions.
Submitted by: Virginia Hogland Oregon USA

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