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Maryland Style Ham

  Yield/Servings: 8 large servings  
1 fully cooked ham (10 lbs.)
1 package (10 oz.) frozen chopped kale
1 cup fresh spinach
1 large onion (1 cup)
3/4 cup watercress
1/2 cup celery tops
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup honey
2 tbs. vinegar
2 tsp. dry mustard
Finely chop spinach, onion, watercress, and celery tops. Trim rind, if any, from ham. Shave ham fat covering to about 1/4 inch. Make x-shaped cuts with a small paring knife, 2 inch deep and 1 inch apart, staggering rows, all over fat side. Cook kale in boiling salted water to cover, flowing directions on package; drain; cool; squeeze out excess water with hands.

Combine kale, spinach, onion, watercress, celery tops, salt and pepper n a medium-size bowl. Press green mixture into ham pockets, packing down well. Place ham, fat side up, in a large shallow baking pan. Bake in a slow oven (325 degree) for 2 hours.

Stir honey with vinegar and dry mustard; brush part over ham. Continue baking and brushing with remaining honey mixture, 30 minutes or until top is richly glazed. Remove ham from pan and let stand bout 20 minutes for easier carving. Carve ham carefully, holding slices to keep filing intact.
Submitted by: Creative Cooking USA

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