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Mock Chicken Legs

Other: Veal
  Yield/Servings: 4 to 6 servings  
3/4 lb. pork shoulder, cut in 1 inch cubes
3/4 lb. veal steak, cut in 1 inch cubes
1 egg, beaten
1 cup dry bread crumbs
4 tbs. shortening
1/2 cup sweet cream
Salt and pepper
Place pork and veal cubes alternately on skewers. Dip each into egg and then into crumbs. Brown in melted shortening in fryer over medium heat. Cover and cook over very low heat for about 1 hour. Turn legs during cooking period. When done, remove from pan, blend flour in drippings over medium heat, add cream, season and stir until gravy is thick.
Submitted by: Creative Cooking USA

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