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Pan Fried Fish

  Yield/Servings: 6 servings  
Cooking fat
2 lbs. fillets
1 egg, slightly beaten
3 tbs. milk
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup flour
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
Heat cooking fat in fryer over moderate heat. Cut fish in serving pieces. Dip in mixture of egg and milk and then shake in bag containing the cornmeal and flour. Place fish in hot fat and leave over medium heat for 3 minutes. Cover, reduce heat and cook 3 more minutes. Remove cover, sprinkle with salt and pepper, turn and cook on second side an additional 3 minutes, raising the heat to medium and sprinkling with salt and pepper. Serve with wedges of lemon and a garnish of parsley or watercress.
Submitted by: Creative Cooking USA

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