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Eating While Sick - Light or Convalescent Diet Guide

Convalescence is a time of rebuilding, so a light diet does not mean a skimpy one. You need well-balanced meals made up of simple, easily digested foods. When the patient is on a convalescent diet he should have three regular meals a day. Between-meal snacks are fine if they do not take the appetite away from regular meals.

Besides the foods in the liquid and soft diets, the convalescent diet includes:

  • Meats: Lean beef, lamb and liver
  • Cheese: Cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese and process cheese spread
  • Vegetables: Any fresh or raw vegetable except: shell beans, dried beans, cabbage, onions, turnips, cucumbers, radishes or corn
  • Fruits: Any fresh, cooked or canned fruit except melons
  • Cereals: All cereals including whole-grain cooked and packaged ready-to-eat varieties.
  • Soups: Any soup except those which contain forbidden vegetables
  • Desserts: Plain unfrosted cakes, simple cookies

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