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Chilaquiles (Tortilla Hash)

280Main Dish
  Yield/Servings: 10 servings  
1 dozen tortillas
3/4 pound chorizos
1 cup finely chopped onion
2 tbs. or more chili powder
2 cups tomato puree
Salt to taste
1/2 pound mild cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
1 can pitted ripe olives
Cut tortillas in eighths with scissors and fry in hot oil or lard. Remove oil from pan and fry chorizos which have been removed from casings and crumbled. Make a sauce by frying onions in a little oil, adding tomato puree, chili powder and salt. After sauce is thoroughly heated, place in a casserole: alternate layers of tortillas, cheese, olives and chorizos repeating until all ingredients are used. Pour sauce over all. Sprinkle top generously with grated parmesan or Romano cheese.

Bake in moderate oven, 350 degree, 20-30 minutes.
Submitted by: Creative Cooking USA

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